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Professor Roger T Dean
Gadi Research Centre
University of Canberra
Canberra, ACT 2601
Email: roger.dean@canberra.edu.au
Tel: + 61 2 6201 5000
Fax: + 61 2 6201 5036
Homepage: www.canberra.edu.au/vc-forum

Together with colleagues at my former institute, the Heart Research Institute, I am interested in proteolysis of oxidised proteins, as well as the influence of oxidised proteins on gene expression. We work in molecular cell biology of proteolysis, and on the relevance of oxidised proteins to physiology and pathology. In previous and ongoing work we have elucidated some of the pathways of protein oxidation in biological systems, from chemical and biochemical perspectives. Key issues as to the importance of protein oxidation in pathogenesis, as opposed to their possible implication as bystander products, remain open. We address the defensive mechanisms against oxidised proteins (primarily proteolysis), in this context.
Dr Ken Rodgers, Peter Hume, Rachael Dunlop (Heart Research Institute Ltd, Sydney)
Michelle Nelson (Gadi Research Centre, University of Canberra)
Dean, R. T., R. Dunlop, P. Hume and K. J. Rodgers (2003). Proteolytic ‘defences’ and the accumulation of oxidized polypeptides in cataractogenesis and atherogenesis. Biochemical Society Symposium on Proteases in Health and Disease. J. Saklatvala, H. Nagase and G. Salvesen. London, Biochemical Society: 135-146.

Dunlop, R. A., K. J. Rodgers and R. T. Dean (2002). "Recent developments in the intracellular degradation of oxidised proteins." Free Radical Biology and Medicine 33: 894-906.

Gaus, K., L. Kritharides, A. Boettcher, G. Schmitz, C. M. Quinn, A. Death, R. T. Dean and W. Jessup (2004). "Apolipoprotein A-1 interaction with plasma membrane lipid rafts controls cholesterol export from macrophages." FASEB Journal express article 10.1096/fj.03-0486fje.

Rodgers, K., H.-J. Wang, S. Fu and R. T. Dean (2002). "Biosynthetic incorporation of oxidised amino acids into proteins and their cellular proteolysis." Free Radical Biology and Medicine 32: 766-775.

Rodgers, K. J. and R. T. Dean (2003). "Assessment of proteasome activity in cell lysates and tissue homogenates using peptide substrates." Int.J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 35: 716-727.

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